History of the Brand

It was always very important for me to deliver the best results in design. Creation is a process that starts from the idea, then it gets some first shapes and lines to become a final product. My World contains many colours and lines. As a...

Art from the Nature

The Irish landscape contains plenty of colours and shades. There might be a cloudy or rainy sky, but still with a little bit of sun, every stone and clump of grass starts to look like a magical object. There are two Irish characteristics that can be...


Spring always releases a new energy, which can be noticed in flowers. Colours are very intensive and condensed. First ray of sunshine after months of winter is always so bright and vivid. To have a good drawing you have to study your subject first, see every detail, think...

Polish | Love

When you look at your country from a distance you might notice magical things. The border mark some shape that could correspond to some object, animal or in this case - the heart. Roads are nothing more like veins transporting the most valuable material in...

Be Natural.

Spring always releases a new energy, which can be noticed in flowers. Colours are very intensive and condensed. First ray of sunshine after months of winter is always so bright and vivid. To have a good drawing you have to study your subject first, see every detail, think...